30 Sep

One of the online villages I belong to is a Facebook group called 2020 Twin Mamas. With over 2,800 moms delivering twins in 2020 or becoming pregnant this year, it's a huge trove of amazing stories and resources. 

Just yesterday, I was thinking how challenging it was to find actual stories of twin mom experiences. There are lots of numbered articles suggesting pretty much the same thing of what to do, or how your babies are growing in your womb each week, but I was looking for resources that were more about the mom surviving a twin pregnancy, what the delivery experience was like, and some true stories of what it is like at home at the beginning. I brought this up to the group, and many of them remarked that they were searching for these same topics during pregnancy.

Given we didn't feel we had great resources, we decided to create our own! About 15 members have volunteered to tell their stories so far. The topics look really interesting and will cover a variety of topics. I can't wait until we are ready to publish these stories to share with you!

Edit: As of 12/30/2020, I decided to change this to the more generic, "Covid Tales" to also feature non-twin moms during Covid.

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